Watch Weeknights

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Finding out that I made the show was such a surreal experience! Growing up, I would watch the show every single night with my family, so hearing that I'd be a contestant was a complete shock. Wheel…
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My whole Wheel of Fortune experience was like a dream!! From my first audition, to receiving the email telling me I had been chosen, to the actual day - it was all so incredibly humbling and special…
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When I found out I made the show, I was in Florida on a work trip. I stared at the email in disbelief, then I screamed, 😱 then I read it again and again and again! 👀👀
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Being on the Wheel of Fortune was a dream come true!!! 🤩 The first email from Sony Pictures I thought for sure it was spam.... I just COULD NOT believe I had been selected to play the game I'd been…
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Wheel of Fortune has been a daily part of my life since I was a child. The day I found out I made the show, I dropped what I was doing, screamed and jumped for joy. 🤗  I continued to watch the…
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  When I found out I made the show, I was absolutely ecstatic!!! Everything happened so fast from the time I found out and when I found myself on the set of WHEEL OF FORTUNE 🤩 It was truly a…
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When I received the email that I made the show my body immediately started shaking. The adrenaline and excitement completely took over my body knowing that I was going to be in the presence of Pat…
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When I got the email to appear on Wheel of Fortune I screamed out loud and shouted thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m an avid Wheel Watcher so I didn’t have to practice much but what I did do was…
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My mom and I watch the show every evening! One evening after watching, I thought “why not me?” So I applied! I was shocked when I actually heard back from someone within a couple weeks. It all seemed…
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