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charli Charli G.

When I found out I made the show, I was in Florida on a work trip. I stared at the email in disbelief, then I screamed, 😱 then I read it again and again and again! 👀👀

I was already an avid Wheel of Fortune watcher and player on the phone so I just upped the time spend playing and watching and it drove everyone insane! 😂😂 I had a wonderful experience. The staff and contestants were amazing! 🤩 I learned that everyone has a story but we are all somehow connected in a unique way by this awesome experience!

The most surprising part for me was how heavy the Wheel was and how I thought I was pressing the buzzer but I was not quick enough! 😩🤗 I posted my WOF pic on Facebook and told everyone to watch! My Wheel experience taught me that I am a winner regardless of the outcome and always take a chance by doing what you want and love! I never would’ve imagined I’d be on the show nor on Pat’s final season! 👏🏾🤩