Watch Weeknights

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angela Angela O.

This was an amazing experience from beginning to end. Finding out I was picked was a childhood dream coming to fruition. I have watched WOF since I was about 4 or 5 and I'm 45 now! I used to watch with my grandma and then with my kids and now my grandkids. I loved trying to solve the puzzles and watch the fun the contestants seemed to have. Pat and Vanna seemed like so much fun and I would always say I would go on one day. No one took me seriously when I would say it and over the years it became a family joke.

Getting the initial producer call was surreal and then doing a mock show with another producer was amazing. It was so much fun but I didn't think anything of it because you were told if you don't hear back try again in a year. So when I got the email months after that mock show I initially thought it was spam. I googled the email and the producers name and even sent it to my son. It was real and I accepted and literally booked my hotel and flight the same day!

I was super anxious the whole day before when I arrived in California and barely slept. Getting to the show I was still in shock it was happening. Shock, anxiety, and giddiness sums up my day at the studio. From the security guard who let me in to the cafeteria staff, the producers, camera men, and EVERYONE else I had contact with were amazing. They were all so nice and helpful it made the day even better. Pat and Vanna were just as awesome as I thought they would be and the experience was amazing. The other contestants were so fun and we all engaged well with each other and we rooted for everyone.

The biggest surprise was how small the Wheel and the studio actually was and how many people and equipment are around to make the magic happen. This experience is a once in a lifetime dream fulfilled and it is something that I will cherish forever. Wheel is such a great family oriented wholesome show, it was such a privilege to be a part of something so amazing and be a part of Pat's last season!